Importance Of Infographic In Off Page Seo Optimization

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In every industry sector, competition is rife. Every entrepreneur wants to go global and in this internet era it is also easy. The digital technology has crept into every facet of your human life and to sustain in every business, you need to have a good online presence. But is it enough? No! You need to try every trick in your kitty to catch the attention of your audience.

In this article, you are going to gain information on one of the best SEO techniques that can catch easily the eye of your audience and also make your website come out trumps.

If you can see the details, making use of the best search engine techniques can boost the traffic and ranking of your website. So, let us go into the details one by one. Although, it will be only a brief discussion.



The terms used for describing the processes which go to make a website better suitable for search engines. And it is not only for making the visitors come in a frenzy but also related to making the website more user friendly and to have killer content to make the audience stay for a long time. In recent times, in a very general language, SEO can be described as the ‘natural language’ that can make search engines understand the content in a page as well give them multiple information about your website.

If you know the basics, there exists two types of SEO – On Page SEO and Off Page SEO.

  1. On Page SEO.

The title conveys the meaning. You do a variety of activities on your website so that it can become friendly for the search engines. Some of the tips pertaining to the On- Page SEO are –

  • URL structuring in a proper manner
  • Making the titles and descriptions optimized
  • Mobile friendly pages
  • Optimization of images
  • And more.

Since this article is related to only infographics, you can subscribe to our website to get information to know more on page optimization techniques.

2. Off-Page SEO.

Similar to on-page SEO, this type also refers to methods used to enhance your website position in the SERP or search engine results page. There are few persons who associate Off-Page SEO with only link building, but it is also related to promotion methods, much beyond making the website attractive.

The ranking factor is related to complex algorithms used in the search engines. It is only through these software that the engines determine the rankings to be given to a page in the website.

If on-page optimization refers to methods you can do in your own website, off page is related to activities which you do outside the website. A few of the techniques are link building, social bookmarking, social media marketing, directory submissions and many more. A high linking website should definitely have links from other quality websites. It should also garner good mentions on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, Pinterest.

Shall we move now to infographics?


In this era of instant gratification and sharing information, a right design infographic can go viral. Yes, you have to do the promotions. One of the best advantages of an infographic is that it gives organic traffic to your business website when people start to share it. According to some industry experts, an infographic can generate more than 37.5 percent backlinks when compared to a normal blog post. So now do you realize the importance?

There is no doubt about it. Infographics will work now and in the future. Agreed, many infographics have yielded good results, but not all will hit the target. And if you are a good Photoshop expert, then it is easy to design one. Or else, you may have to shell money to hire a professional designer. There are platforms such as to search for a pro in minimum prices. On the other hand, if you have a budget, you can make use of to get the best professional.

Major businesses use infographics to hit the target audience, get quality links and yes, to get a hike in a number of email followers. A link received from a high-quality website such as Forbes and CNN, can get quality backlinks and traffic to your online presence.

The era is of ffast-pacedlife. Every content is devoured in short attention spans and shared via social media platforms. In other words, people have become more humanitarian. They want their loved and dear ones to see and feel the content that has given them happiness. When you compare the fame of the new social media platform Instagram with the old horse Twitter, the difference tells in numbers that go to billions. Instagram has clearly overrided the other.

The mobile population has also exploded and it is because of the millennials. They use mobiles to do every activity including booking of tickets, sharing of information etc. Just imagine, that you have to share a 500 word content. You post in your website. Yes, it is really valuable information. But the reader has to go through the content wasting 15 minutes of his/her precious time. On the other hand, if you compile the information and make a infographic, without every information, it will definitely go viral. Or else, the reverse may also happen in the absence of a infographic. The customer, devoid of time will move to greener pastures.

So, is Infographics Greater Than It Seems?


Let us take a case study for example. You have a repair business involving water purifier service in Hyderabad and the best-qualified technicians in the world. You also have a similar business in Bangalore. But it is not enough. Unless you are an existing business, how will the outside world know about your team? Okay, so you get the website and informed your near and dear ones. What about the residents of Hyderabad outside your locality? So you need to do SEO, digital marketing to make your website come out on top. The day more people know about your business, you get good business. There is no need to tell you, that if a person searches for the best water repair technicians in Hyderabad, he/she will look only for the first top three searches. The rest of the companies are available, but for their own reasons.

There is a competition set by a international brand organization in Bangalore. The award will go to the company which has the highest number of referrals, conversions via an website. All the companies providing maintenance and repairs of RO water purifier service in Bangalore take part, including your company. But you get the first place, because instead of mere content in your website, the stress was given to infographics. Eager consumers to gain more information shared the design to their near and loved ones. And you get the award though you followed the organic way of getting backlinks.

What is the ROI?

You can get messages across easily and in a creative manner. In recent times, success in business is all about building loyalty as well trust. The information and data has to be shared in a precise manner. Submission of infographics, will make you reach to a large online audience. Other benefits are –

Increase in Traffic – It is not just about the design. It is also about inclusion of the right keywords to get more traffic. The words can make the infographic come up the rankings because of the search engines. Slowly, your website can gain a tight foothold in the rankings.

Backlink Of Your Website – When you submit infographics to another website, also include a backlink so that more visitors come to the website. The decision is yours. The link can be added in the infographics or you can also add it separately while submission.

Shares – Any infographic created with the right content, keywords and at the right time can work wonders for your online business. And the submission sites also gain. Because there will be major shares made from their own website.

What is the secret beyond a viral infographic?


You may have got the best creator, but please note, that not every content and data can get converted to infographics. It is necessary to create the infographic with an eye for the future, and it should have a story to tell. Given below are the secret tips –

Focus only on the content – Do not daydream and never follow the instincts of others. However, if the other individual is a experienced professional then you can travel on his knowledge. While you are alone, ensure you put yourself in the shoes of the customer. It is necessary that your potential customers make a connection with the infographic.

Use the perfect shapes, images and colors? Do you have a business and does it have a logo? Do you use certain images and colors? Then ensure while designing the infographic every information is as per the company’s policies and regulations. And if you have a separate image list, ensure you use some of them to promote a more authentic feeling.

If your business corresponds to a certain industry, focus on the keywords that customers use to search for the product. This will make you create a more perfect design.

Benefits of Infographics


Infographics will make your website rise higher in the SERP and thus more traffic. Every website owner, worth the salt in the market wants his/her website to placed in the rankings of 0 to 10 as per the Google eyes. Page rank today can be touted as one of the 250 factors that Google uses to rank websites.

Exposure – So when you get more exposure, normally, there will be many guests to your websites. Links you will get a dozen easily and yes, more easily you will get the mentions in social media.

The more difficult it is to get a link, the more worthy rank your website will get. We hope that this article has given you valuable information regarding the infographics in Off Site SEO. Have we missed a valuable point? Then feel free to drop a comment in the Reviews section.

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