The Amazing Power of Blogging 10 Reasons to Start Your Online Journey

How to Start a Blog
How to start a blog,what is blog,how to earn money using blog

The importance of knowing why you want to create and own a blog can never be over emphasized. It helps you determine what you would be writing about and who your audience would be.

If you are creating a blog for the income it would generate, then you would be much more about keywords and syllable niches/topics that drive in traffic than a blogger who is commercially less ambitious.

A good friend of mine, actually we used to be classmates, started a blog a while ago. She would post motivational speeches and foods for thought every Monday morning, her writings are always heartwarming, things about having good moral standards, learning to be a better human being and living a good life.

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She would write on her blog and post the links on her Facebook page, which was how I got to know about her blog, and I would go and check it out, it was a weekly routine. The blog started gaining speed and I no longer waited for her to post the links on Facebook page anymore, I would go straight to the blog because I had bookmarked it, and in the comment section, it was always like a reunion of former classmates and old friends, we would exchange pleasantries and reconnect with long lost friends, and we get to do this every first day of the week through her blog.

Now, my friend is a blogger, she comes in every week and drops something new , we, her old pals from way back would come in and devour, reconnect and commend her for the good write ups. This is where her ambition as a blogger starts and ends; at least that’s what I think, because her aim was to preach the good word and contribute her quota.

She isn’t a commercial blogger; she didn’t care about driving traffic to her blog quickly, she didn’t care about competition, she just needed to put her words out there, it didn’t matter how long it took to get the attention of readers.

For every blogger not like my friend above, there is a a blogger with limitless ambitions, a blogger set out to dominate the blogosphere, always looking to tweak and adapt and an inspiration to newbie bloggers.

Now the bloggers halfway in-between my good friend and blogtyrant, are either chasing up the ladder towards bloggers like Tyrant or falling towards my friend for doing it all wrong or just been contented with just putting words out there, sharing her thoughts and calling it a week.

Some of the Reasons behind Blogging:

Blogging has become something of a stay home business, and some people have even gained celebrity status through blogging, some have gotten rich and famous through blogging while others have gotten neither through blogging, but might still be satisfied with whatever little input they’ve had in people’s lives through their blogs.

Now let’s take a quick peek into some of the reasons why you might want to own a blog:

1. Making Money

Blogging has proven to be a solid means of making money, and that’s the obvious reason for the stiff competition in blogosphere. There are millions of products and services out there, looking for a popular websites and blogs to advertize on.

The primary idea might still be to advertize your own products and services. Anyhow, it’s the same endgame.

2. Staying Connected With Family & Friends

Now I believe I have told you about my friend and her blog, how it teaches, preaches and best of all how we stay connected through it. She isn’t looking to drive in traffic, advertize products & services and make money. She is satisfied with just having us there every other week, like a weekly get-together.

3. Recreation & Leisure

These people write just for fun and relaxation, they just want to share their thoughts, talk to everyone but no one in particular. They can just go on about how wonderful their day was or how awful. These people could be controversial because of what they talk about or share on their blogs; they aren’t really in it for the money or connecting with family and friends. These types of bloggers sometimes because of the controversial contents of their blogs end up having celebrity statuses.

Now you see why I said knowing why you want to own a blog can never be over emphasized? Having read the above reasons, you would see that the 3 types of bloggers cared for different things and thus did their blogging in different ways that would suit their purposes.

If you have figured out why you want to start and own a blog, next thing is…

Things You Need To Do Before Starting Your Blog:

Let’s say you’ve finally decided to blog for money, there are things you need to do, to make sure you achieve your goal. These things are:

1. Niche & Keywords

The first step is to make sure the idea you have for a niche is traffic worthy, because it wouldn’t be nice spending time and energy on a blog no one is searching for information on. Tools like “Google Trends” “MAJESTIC SEO” would be most helpful here. They let you see the keywords your competitors are going after. This is quite helpful when deciding on a niche to blog about.

2. Topic You Love

Writing on a particular topic could be boring and tiring sometimes; then imagine writing on a topic you don’t really like, that’s the beginning of failure. You have to choose that topic you won’t run out words to write about, a topic in which the reader can see your passion pouring out, and a topic in which you can captivate your readers and keep them coming back for more.

3. Look Them Up and Check Them Out

If you want to succeed in anything in life, you must have an old head to look up to, a hand to lead you and show you the way. In this case, whether they guide you knowingly or unknowingly is left for you to decide.

Look for people who have made names in your chosen niche and follow their guidance, check their blog to see how they are doing it, how many followers they have on twitter and how many likes they have on Facebook, how they are rated on social media.

The essence is to make sure there is room for you to improve or if you are about to choose a dead topic. This measure is the right thing to do if you are looking to succeed, because you would be learning from the best in your choice niche and you would have covered almost all the basis and thereby making very few mistakes.

Don’t forget to get feedback from your family, colleagues and visitors, and always enhance based on their feedback, because they give you the best practice of how your blog should be.

If you have gotten this far, then you’ve done great, but we aren’t quite there yet, we are almost there, keep tagging along.

4. Prepare Some Content

Before your blog goes live, you have to have a quality, well written content stashed, you need to take your time on this, because it’s going to be the first thing you would post, so let it be quality, like you are preparing the rest of your blog to be.

5. Prepare Social Media Campaign

After creating/preparing your social media channels, spread the word about your blog on your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Myspace etc. Before you know it, your friends and their friends are checking out your blog. 

6. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization is an internet marketing strategy where specific terms or keywords targeting a particular audience are utilized to drive traffic or lead such targeted audience to your website.

In plain language, SEO is about knowing those interests that are often searched on those popular search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc and using them on your blogs to attract readers.

SEO is very important, in that it attracts new readers to your blog consistently and if your blog content is rich, the new readers become regular visitors to your blog, and that way, your blog grows. Be advised, it is not so straight forward as it might sound, there are rules to these things, and your blog might get banned from Google and other search engines if you don’t do it the approved way. As you might have guessed, since there is a right way of going about SEO there is certainly a wrong way too.

Do the Right SEO Settings

Here, we will be talking about the ways bloggers drive this much talked about traffic to their blogs. Those who care about the reputation and integrity of their blogs and websites, do it the right and ethical way. On the other hand, those who care more about traffic and less about their blogs’ and websites’ reputation are those who cut corners and use ugly means in achieving their goals.

Let’s talk more about these good and bad means below…

a) White Hat SEO.

This is the legal and ethical way of improving search performance that is in line with the terms and conditions of a search engine. In other words, this is the right way of going about the business of SEO that wouldn’t infringe on anybody’s rights and maybe lead to the banning of your blog. For this, see market samurai.

a. Black Hat SEO.

This is the direct opposite of our buddy White Hat. Bloggers who adopt this means they neither care about their blogs’ reputation, nor about writing quality contents for their blogs. They get a handful of keywords and spin them around repeatedly in their articles, creating pages with duplicate content and now this method is only working on some SEOs.

Simply put, if you care about having a quality and reputable blog, a go to blog for your chosen niche, then you should and must always do it the right way and stay away from the destroyer Black Hat SEO.


Whatever your reason for a starting and owning a blog is, there are blog hosts and platforms that would suit your purpose. We’ll look at profit and nonprofit based blogs and the platforms that would serve best. The first step in choosing a blog host is deciding whether you are creating a blog with free hosting or invest in a paid blog host.

1. Profit Based Blogs

Businesses need money to be started and sustained, so blogging is no different. With profit in mind, investing in paid blog hosting is the best bet for you, with a paid account; you will have your own domain and options for customizing your own blog, and be able to accommodate large amounts of traffic which is how the money is going to be flowing in.

There are many paid blog hosts out there, godaddy, bluehost, etc. For your new blog, I suggest you to use bluehost, a lot better than most, good response team and are currently running a special offer.

Bluehost is recommended by WordPresshosting:

GoDaddy have the best plans you can find on the web:

2. Nonprofit-Based Blogs

If your aim of starting a blog is to connect with friends and family, or just for writing without considering profit on the long run, then subscribing to paid services isn’t for you.

There are free blog hosts that would suit your purpose too, WordPressTumblrXanga and Blogger are all there for you.

And so, we’ve finally come to the end of this very long “why & how to”. Am pretty sure you got almost all you needed to get started and remember, Bluehost would help set you in the right path, but BLACK HAT SEO might ruin it all, so do it right and stay with the WHITE HAT.

If you have any experience starting a new blog and would like to share it, please write it below!

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