how to write a blog post title

how to write a great blog post title
how to write a great blog post title.

Your Blog Post Title is perhaps the most important part of your entire blog post. Why? Because that’s the FIRST thing that catches the eye of your visitor.

Forget the flashy advertisements and the catchy video that are also probably on the page, they don’t matter in most cases because if your doing your Social Media marketing correctly your visitor has read the Blog Post Title in a search engine and is checking out your Article because of that Great Title. Your Title is what’s going to DRAW your reader into the post to read more. What’s more is that your Blog Post Title will form your Meta Title for that post and that’s what is selected by the search engines and shown to a potential visitor based upon their search query.

Now I am not going to try and teach you copy writing in this blog post because, well that’s more like a whole course in it self and would take too long. However you don’t need a whole course to learn how to create a great Blog Post Title. Just glance at the magazine isle at your local supermarket the next time you go shopping. Right there is am amazing resource that should give you a ton of Ideas for how to write a great Blog Post Title. In fact I know of a very Famous Social Media Coach who at the start of his career collected 4 years worth of Magazine Index pages to use as part of his Swipe file. What’s remarkable is that he still uses this Today and he collected these over 20 years ago.

What is a Blog Post Title Anyway?

Your Blog Post Title is the key to getting traffic, which are people who will read your post and come back to read more. Those same readers will hopefully also return to BUY your stuff. So your Title is vital to grabbing the attention of your readers and converting those readers to followers.

Your Your title should be two things;
1. It should be keyword strong so the Title has your primary keyword or Phrase within the Title and preferably right at the start of the Title.
2. It should clearly explain what your Post is all about.

What Your Blog Post Title should have

Testing I have done suggests the maximum length of your Blog Post Title is 65 characters, this includes spaces between words. This is based upon how the search engines display your title when its shown in a search.
You should Capitalise Each Word of your Blog Post Title because this has proven to draw the eye of a casual surfer.

Don’t play smart with your Blog Post Title, explain what you are writing about and try to frame the title in one of a few ways. Here are a few examples of what works.

example 1. How To Write A Great Blog Post Title.

example 2. 5 Ways to lose 20Lbs this Summer

example 3 Do You Suffer From Sleepless Nights?

These types of Blog Post Title display to the reader a measure of empathy with a problem that they may be having, or the Title simply answers a question they have been asking themselves.

In terms of the reader your Blog Post Title should; InformMotivate and Excite your reader and maybe even add an element of Mystery.

Your Blog Post Title and SEO

Remember that your Blog Post Title is also measured by the search engines so don’t forget that aspect of your post. Keyword load the Title and do that early, concentrate on one or two keywords at most. Make sure that your Title reflects the content of that post.

So read some Magazines from your local grocery store. Learn what they do and apply that to your Blog Post Title to draw in your readers. Make sure to consider the search engines when you write that all important Blog post Title.


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