7 Ways to Build Backlinks to Your Website

Build Powerfull-Backlinks
Backlink Hyperlink Networking Internet Online Technology Concept


There are 7 predefined ways in SEO through which a site owner can develop one way permanent quality back links that can boost his ranking in search engines.

  • Directory Submissions and Classified Ad Submissions
  • Article Submissions
  • PR (Press Release) Submissions
  • SMO (Social Media Optimization)
  • BLOG Commenting
  • Forum Discussions
  • Profile Creations

Some of the website might ask for money or exchange of links in return of approving your back links in return of approving your back link, strictly avoid such sites only submit where free back links can be approved.

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After you have submitted your link some of them are approved on the spot while some go for manual review of which around 10% – 50% links are only approved after the link is approved it must be found by the search engines which takes few days, only after the back link is indexed the power is given to your site and the rank effect can be seen.

 All the back links that has been indexed can be checked is the respective search engines webmaster tools account in Google it can be checked at                                              search traffic => links to your site.

1. Directory Submissions and Classified Ad Submissions

There are set of websites that like telephone directory store URLs in them according to the category and sub categories such sites are termed as web directories.To acquire a link you need to select the right category and sub category => sub category if possible and submit the form.

In the form in the title mention your keyword as this becomes anchor text in the description write in your own words 2-3 lines regarding your web page/ site in every directory site a different description must be submitted after the submission is done admin will review it, if approved you will receive a strong Backlink the chances of approved are 10% at least 10% at least 50 directories cubmissions/URL is required.

NOTE:-Some sites allow only home page to be submitted but others that allow internal pages too, every page URL must be submitted in them. the most popular directory site is www.dmoz.org

A part from Directory submissions one must also do classified as submission for business website as some sites give you Backlink while some business too.
Eg:- Justdial, sulekha, OLX, Quikr

It is advisable to edit your ad every week so that it remains on the top with the classified site.

2.  Article Submissions

There are set of websites that are link open Blogs kind of Wikipedia where any user can create a free account and post articles in such sites

to get a strong back link you need to register => Login => submit article. In the forum mention you keywords in the title and place your backlink along with anchor text in the footer in the box : author /editor/resource.

Note:- In every article submission site a different article must be submitted.

Around 10% of the websites will approve the article on spot while check manually in this case approval rate is 10% for copied article and 75 % for unique but if you copy paste a pdf file article the approval rate is 25% to find out pdf files related to your keyword in Google search for <keyword>file type :Pdf   eg :- Samsung galaxy s5 file type pdf at least 20 articles per keyword is recommended for every keyword you can repeat the articles list for submission.

3. Press Release Submissions

It is also called as PR submission or news distribution.RSS Feeds:- RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication it is an xml file that carries the live duplicate copy of the webpage content or part of its content.

the main use of RSS feed is to provide or achieve live information that changes very frequently like cricket score, gold rate, Dollar rate, stock market prices, breaking news etc..

 To supply the RSS feed of your content to other you need to have a feed burner software installed at the server side and to read the same feed reader software required, both these software’s are by default installed in blogger and word press.          
The RSS fedd of blogger site is :-
abc.blogspot.com/rss.xml while for word press it is : abc.com/?feed=rss to use RSS feed of others make use of  feed gadget and Rss widget in blogger and word press respectively .

In press release submission we submit a sample news based article on our keyword to the news distribution site, this news in turn is rotated to the various RSS subscribers if they like the quality of the matter and the topic they can become your RSS subscriber from this point your new posts will be ready with backlinks the moment the page is live.RSS feeds can work wonders for a news based site as it develops instant backlinks for the new topics where the competition is least and in such cases your few subscribers backlink can put you on the top.

the process of acquiring the link is same like article submission but you have to place the  backlink code of RSS feed at the bottom of the article itself the changes of approval are higher if your content  looks like a news based article to get one refer.News.google.com, approval rate of press release is 20% for copied matter while 100% for unique article.

In every PR site a different piece of news must be submitted on the keyword the backlinks are indexed generally within a week here.Article Submission Sites : exactrelease.org

Note: While you submit the article start it with location and date.

Illegal and Legal  ways of acquiring backlinks :-  

Buying the links, exchanging (2-way and 3-way) links and developing backlinks through auto submission.

Software’s like: senuke , scrape box is considered to be illegal or black the technique to rank your WebPages on the top though the ranking can be achieved in quick time with ease but it stays on the top temporarily eventually once  your site passes through the updated algorithms or manual check it is pushed in spam. 

The only way to acquire legal backlink is manually develop the backlinks through the seven methods  of the off page where the process is slow and monotous but the ranking is permanent in nature.


The step is also referred as social bookmarking and networking submissions and the list of websites under this category are termed as web 2.0 sites properties.In a social Bookmarking site only the URLs can be shared Eg: Digg, Delicious while networking along with URL even personal information can be shared like facebook but, links from both these types of sites is very powerful because of the following advantages :-

  1. Most of the sites have high PR and low alexa rank 15% of avg. PR is influenced to the internal pages too that makes link powerful one.
  2. Most of the Backlinks are approved on the spot, meaning 100% approval rate, no manual checking of submission.
  3. No paid linking or reciprocal linking,  all offer one way quality backlink permanent in nature.
  4. Apart from quality backlink one can expect lot of visitors from these sites and hence it helps in establishing a brand.
  5. The backlinks from these sites are indexed within few days so the effect in ranking can be seen early.
  6. Multiple submissions can be done in a single website every day.
  7. The process is short and simple: Register  -log in and submit  link.

Note:- Some sites allow Backlink along with anchor text while some give plain URL backlink through which only general PR is added to your page.


  • Do not create multiple accounts in the same day in the same website.
  • Do not do more than 5 submissions in a day in the same web site.
  • make sure you have your keyword in the username while you register an account in social website so that it creates a niche /contextual or competitor link. If lot of submissions come from the same IP Address in a single day then the social website might block your account the result of which is deleting all your links so make use of the third party tools like:-

Add this, share this because they do not pass the ip address of the user.In a day at least 30 minutes of SMO must be done for a website, a URL must be shared in each of the social website daily. 

It is a wise idea to start developing links for your WebPages from SMO as the response can be quick.


By default in every page of a blog at the bottom you will find an option to post message for the other visitors through comment box. comment box are very useful the site owner from SEO point of view and to satisfy the visitor to a website the following are advantages.

-It helps in keeping the content up to date in every page of your website by visitors them self.
-It helps in improving the natural keyword density along with the more lines of unique information in your site it is said that at least 15% of the content in the HTML of the WebPages should comprise of text matter which helps in quicker ranking.
-It helps in engaging visitors to the conversation and hence helping returning visitors.

above all the advantages the only disadvantages with the comments box is a visitor along with the text can also place backlink code because of this nearly 50% of the blog owners disable the comment box some of them give the option to register the user before commenting while some of them even manual review by default the option is auto approval by comment box around 10% of the blog owner default settings.to enable or disable comment box for have manual. 

This material’s was provide by akdoogle.com/ only for educational purpose. Administrator is not responsible for this contents.Comply with us through web-based networking media/download utility to maintain awake up to now with our product refreshes!


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