Here are some of the many ways to increase your page speed:
S.E.O Tips
Page speed is measurement by how fast the content of websites loads.
What is Page Speed?
Page speed confuses with “site speed” , which is actually the page speed for a sample of page views on website. To The Page speed can be described “page load time”.
To evaluate the your page speed with The Google’s PageSpeed Insights. Page-speed Insights Speed Score data from the Chrome User Experience Report and reports on 2 important speed metric : DOMContentLoaded (DCL) & Contentful Paint (FCP) .
SEO Best Practices
That Google indicate website page speed as a one of the single used by algorithm to the ranking pages. And the research showing to the Google might to be the specifically measuring to time the first byte when it is consider’s web page speed. to the slow web page speed it means that search engine can crawling fewer pages using their the allocated crawl budget, and this could negatively affected on indexation.
To the web Page speed is also important to user experience. the web Page’s with a long loading time then to have higher bounce rate & lower average time on the web page. Longer loading time have also have been shown to negatively affected conversion’s.
Here are the some of the many way’s to increase your web page speed:
Enable compression
Using the Gzip, a software application for the file compression, to reduce the size of your CSS, HTML, and Java Scripts file’s that are larger than 150 bytes.
Do not use gzip on image files. The compress these in a program’s like a Photoshop where you can retain controlling over the quality of the images. See “To The Optimize images” Given below.
Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML
Optimize the code (Removing of the comma’s, space’s , & unusually character’s), you can dramatically increasing to your web page speed. Also removing comments code, formatting’s, & unusually code. The Google recommended using the CSSNano & UglifyJS.
Reduce redirects
To Each timing a Web page redirect to the another web page, your visitor’s faces additional’s time waiting for the HTTP request-response cycling to completed. For example. if your phone redirect pattern looks like this. “example.com -> www.example.com -> m.example.com -> m.example.com/home,” each of those two additional’s redirection’s make your web page loading slower.
Remove render-blocking JavaScript
The Web Browsers have to the building a DOM tree by the parsing to HTML before they can render a web page. your web browser encounter’s a scripts during this process, it has to stop & execute it before it can be continue.
The Google suggest avoiding & minimizing use of the blocking JavaScripts.
Leverage browser caching
Browsers cache a lot of information (stylesheets, images, JavaScript files, and more) so that when a visitor comes back to your site, the browser doesn’t have to reload the entire page. To Use This tool like YSlow to see if you are already have an expiration set date for your cache. To set your “expire” header for how long you want that the information’s to be the cached. In many cases, unless your website designing changes frequently, a year is a reasonable time period. The Google has more information’s about leveraging caching here.
Improve server response time
Your server response timing is affected to amount of the traffic’s you are received, that the resources each web page used, to the software used your server, & the hosting solution’s used. To the improving your server response timing, looking as the performance bottle necks like a slow databases queries, To slower the routing, or a lack of adequate memory & fixed them. Optimal server response timing under the 200ms. To Learn the more about optimizing your server response timing to the first byte.
Use a content distribution network
The Contents distributed network’s (CDN), also called contents delivery network’s, They are network’s of server that are used to distributed the load of delivered contents. Essentially, copied of your website are store at a multiple, geographically diverse data center so that the user’s have faster & more reliable accessing to your website.
Optimize images
Be sure your image’s are no larger than they needed to be, that they are in the right file format (PNG are generally better for graphics with fewer than 16 color’s The JPEG are generally better for photograph’s) & that they are compressed for the web site.
Using the CSS sprites to be created a template for image’s that you used frequently on your website like button’s & icon’s. To The CSS sprite’s combine to the your image’s into one larger image that the loads all at once (it mean’s fewer HTTP request) & then the displaying only the section’s that you want to show. This means that you are saving the load time by not making user’s waiting for multiple image’s to be loaded.
All The Thing’s Are Available In Only On Single Plugin (WP-ROCKET 3.6.1) Latest Version 2020 To Below Are The Plugin Downloading Link & Videos & All The Setup Related Contents.
Improve Your Page Speed with the Premium WordPress Plugin WP Rocket 3.5.2 (Free 2020)
WP Rocket 3.5.2 Latest Version Overview

The WP Rocket is a premium caching plugin for The WordPress site, as a previously stated, but it offers so much more. In addition’s to Web page and browser caching, this plugin allow to you optimize CSS, HTML & JS files, lazy loaded media, cache CDN contents, optimizing your database, and Many more.
You can buy a license for this plugin for as a low price $49 as of early 2020. If you’d like to learn more about before doing so, To be sure check out the posts we linked in the previous section’s. They go to more in depth into what’s this plugin has to offer and how it perform.
This post share for new WP Rocket user’s. We are going to covered everything you need to know to set up the basic configuration’s of this plugin, starting with how to installed it. First, let’s find out what you are working with you can see just how much WP Rocket improves your website performance.
How To Installing Wp Rocket 3.6.1
Installing the WP Rocket works the same as it does with the any other premium plugins. All you needed to do is downloading the ZIP file from the your account, and upload it to the back-end of your WordPress website.

To the Alternative, you can unzip the folder, and upload that the versions to your Plugins directory via FTP .
Activate the plugin once it installed, & navigate to Settings → WP Rocket if it does not taken to you dashboard automatically.
Optimizing WP Rocket

And I want to touch base on a few of the action’s you can performing in the Dashboard section’s. First of all, utilized View My Account to explore your WP Rocket account on the designer’s site.
To the Used Clear Cache to clear your website cache immediately without having to wait on the schedule you configured. To the Used Preload Cache to create a cached version of your website manually.
To Using the Ask Support to received help from WP Rocket documentation and support team’s.
Wp-Rocket Cache

Next up is the Cache section. To the Most of the option’s in this sections allow to you enable alternatively form’s of caching only relevant to user’s with specific configuration’s.
Here are a few quick explanations of the options in this section:
- Mobile Cache – Should be enabled by default. Do so if not.
- Enable the secondary option ‘Separate cache files for mobile devices’ if the mobile version of your site uses mobile-only functions, such as a separate set of social share buttons for mobile devices.
- User Cache – Designed for membership sites, paywalls and similar sites.
- SSL Cache – Enable if your site uses HTTPS on any page.
- Cache Lifespan – Controls how often your site’s cache is cleared. 10 hours is fine for most sites.
Be sure to save any changes you make before moving on to the next section.
Wp-Rocket File Optimization

Next up is the File Optimization section. To the Minifying file’s reduced their sized by removing unnecessary data, such as a white-space. I recommended selecting to following the settings:
- Minify CSS Files
- Optimize CSS Delivery
- Minify JavaScript Files
- Load JavaScript Deferred
- Safe Mode for jQuery
Save your changes, clear the cache, and refresh your site. To Go through the few different web pages & posts to ensure the everything is in a order. If not, deselecting to the above option’s, & saved your changes. In this scenario, you will needed to be find out the which JS and CSS file’s are being corrupted through the minifications and added them to the exclusions boxes in this section’s.
They Don’t enable this settings if you are using the Cloud-flare auto minifications features. Now You can check on this by visit the Speed sections in a Cloud-flare & seen if the CSS, JavaScript & HTML option’s are ticked.

In this Media section’s, I recommended enabled the lazy load for image’s, iframe & video’s, replacing YouTube iframe video’s with the preview image’s. Lazy load prevents to be image’s & video’s on your website from being loaded until the user scrolls to them. It is improvement website performance by reduced the amount of contents your website needed to be loaded when a user visit a new page.
Saved your change’s Setting, and clearing the cache, & test the features yourself to ensure it’s something you want on your website.
Leave the Disabling Emoji’s setting’s and selected as it is simply disabled WordPress’ emoji’s & replacing them with one’s in your visitor’s web browser.
To The Disabling The WordPress Embed’s reduced the HTTP request by preventing other website’s from embedded your contents & prevent’s you from embedded content’s as well. Do not fret, through. You will still be able to embed contents from popular website’s, such as a YouTube & Twitter.

To The Database sections allow to you removed file’s you are no longer using from your website. These included the old revision’s to the post’s & pages as well as file’s left over from the deleted plugin’s. They are all store in the WordPress databases, an essential behind-the-scenes components of every WordPress website.
Backup To your website to optimized your databases. Fortunately, most of the quality host’s offer daily backup’s these days. Enable every options on this page except Auto Draft’s (to prevented losing pages & posts in progress, especially if you have multiple user’s created them), & click Optimized to clean in the databases immediately.
Test your website after ward to the ensure the everything is in working order. You will needed to rollback your last backup if not.
To The Schedule the automatic cleanup feature to run at least once a week.

If your website using a CDN, you can added the CNAME here. If you using the Cloudflare, head to the Add-Ons sections instead to used the official Cloudflare add-on. You will needed to your Global API, to your Zone ID & the email linked to your Cloudflare account.
Final Words
As you can see the, WP Rocket is one of the easiest caching solution’s to configured as well as one of the most effective method. Like I said the, most of the websites will see the largest improvement upon activation’s, so if you have issues with any of the other settings or are not quite sure about them, do not be afraid to leave them disabled.
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To Report Link/Plugin Issue So Please contact us through My contact us page.
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