Why A Website is not showing the Search Results

website not showing in google search
why is my website not showing up on google anymore

Every Blogger feels astonished when even after applying his [her] full effort his [her] blog doesn’t get enough traffic. As we all know nowadays Google guys are very busy in updating Google’s Panda Algorithm for Search that’s the reason we are seeing dozens of new updates, almost every month. According to them they are improving Google Search quality by forcing up the good quality websites and article; while penalizing websites with copycatted and thin contents. This seems true but up to a certain degree, if you can waste your little time then here is a method that will help you to understand this more, search for any Keyword Phrase (‘long tail’ if possible) in Google Search and Visit Top 20 Results, one by one in decreasing order.  Make an excel sheet and write down the name of each website, their SERPs Position on Google, Description, Title, Permalink and That Article is Related to Your Query or not, respectively. Collect all the data for each Website (in top 20 results).

Now Give Score Mark to each website of the basis of these factors, mentioned as,

  1. Ranking
  2. Description
  3. Title
  4. Permalink
  5. Matched with Query [or not]

Gives score to each website on these 5 factors, 20 marks maximum for each factor. Now calculate the total marks obtained by each website (out of 100) and write down next to each website on excel sheet.

Now differentiate each website and write down why some are on top while other on bottom. Probably you will find the website is on top coz they are doing well with factors mentioned above.

For example, take top 3 results, websites are AB and C. A is on top followed by B and C. The Keyword tale I used to search them is ‘Top Google Adsense Earner’ or ‘Best Web Hosting Service in US’. All three websites are well optimized for these keywords and has occurrence of each word at everywhere; Title, Description, Permalink and Texts are focused on the subjected query. A question rises here that Why A is on 1st position while B on 2nd and C on 3rd position.

It’s very simple repeating a keyword on all Description, Title and Permalink along with Article doesn’t mean you will be on Top, anyone can do that. Here the role of On-Page SEO and Off-page SEO comes.  On-Page SEO is generally stand for In-page optimization using Accurate keywords, their density (occurrence), Article length (texts), Heading Tags etc. while Off-page optimization is stand for mainly link building. Link Building is not a new word; it is well known but still one of the most powerful factor that could decide the ranking of a Website. More High Quality backlinks means there would be more trust shown by search engines on your website. More Trust much higher ranking, it’s simple. Google is aware of this, coz lots of Companies are selling backlinks. Means anyone could buy backlinks and get on top, true but again up to a certain degree. If they will caught you, surely they will penalize you.

Now again come back on that excel sheet and mark again those all websites on the basis of their usefulness.  No doubt you will see some Ups and Downs in ranking.  That is what, we called Man and Machine difference.

Every Search Engines implements their own ranking method and a website on top doesn’t mean this is the best website for you and most of searcher would be agree with this, if you not then tell me how many of Google Users clicks on ‘I AM Feeling Lucky’ button instead of ‘Search’, for those who don’t know I AM Feeling Lucky Button, it send you to the Website that has 1st position for the subjected query.  I asked over 600 Google Search Users (belongs from different fields; Students, Bloggers, Designers, Web Masters, Writers etc) Most of them shown me their funky expressions, coz they don’t know what is use of I Am Feeling Lucky Button on Google Search Homepage. This is obvious no one wants to let do decide Machine that which Result would be best for them.

Although Google Search is using one of the best algorithm but nothing would be perfect ever. These days everyone is talking about ‘Semantic Search’ coz Google is working on this, No one know yet, until when this Method would start working. But no doubt this will increase the Google Search Quality more. “Semantic search” will analyze words and phrases and present more facts and direct answers to questions at the top of each results page.  So The Bloggers who are writing Articles on their own skills would be got benefitted by this.

Conclusion: Factors such as Backlinks, Good Title, Description, Permalink all works but only if your Article is focused on the subject and of high quality along with uniqueness otherwise you could not lead the search results with thin articles just by improving the quality of these factors.


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