Meta Description is the most important element of Meta Tags. As we know the importance of Meta Keywords has been reduced to level zero and doesn’t have importance anymore. Meta Description Tags are extremely important in gaining user click-through on search engine result pages (SERPs). These short paragraphs are webmasters opportunity to advertise content to searchers and let them know exactly what the given page has with regard to what they’re looking for.
intelligently, but also create a compelling description that a searcher will want to click. Direct relevance to the page and uniqueness between each page’s meta description is the key. The description should optimally be between 150-160 characters.
If you see your page source code, meta description tag would look like as below,
<meta name”description” content=”Your Meta Description goes Here“>
Although it’s not mandatory to use Meta Description; in case if your page doesn’t have any meta description associated, search engines will generate by itself using first paragraph of your page. But Auto Generated Meta tags are not much effective so it’s always recommended by TOP SEO experts to add this manually with an effective use of Keywords inside it. In WordPress, there are lots of SEO Plugins while for Blogger you may learn here (Blogspot Meta Tags).
How to Write Effective Meta Description?
While writing Meta Description always remember its length should not exceed to 160 characters.
- Meta Description is an Excerpt of your Page so keep it subjected to your page contents. Try to conclude you whole article within it.
- Do not Use same Meta Description for all pages.
- Don’t do keyword stuffing in Meta Description, instead of repeating a keyword twice use its Phrase or Synonym.
- Don’t repeat your article Title in Meta Description.
- Keep your Description informative not spammy.
Nowadays Meta Description is the second most important factor that can help you to boost your Ranking after Page Title. Now let me show an example, what will happen when i will not Add Meta Description to this Article.
Auto Generated Meta Description by Search Engines
Meta Description is the most important element of Meta Tags. As we know the importance of Meta Keywords has been reduced to level zero and doesn’t have…
Manually Generated Meta Description
Learn Importance of Meta Description and enhance your site performance on SERPs. Best Tips to write effective Meta Description for your Articles…
Auto generated Meta Description is not as effective as manually written, If you write Meta Description manually you can add your Targeted Keyword and Keyword Phrase which is not possible with Auto generated Meta Tags. Remember on Search Results only 3 elements seen by user are, Title, Permalink and Meta Description. Now see what happen when we search on Google with Keyword ‘Delete ibibo Account Permanently’.
The Screenshot above showing top 3 results for required set of keywords. You can easily notice the differences among all those. On 2nd and 3rd Result some words are Bolded. This indicates that the searched query has these words. Means if your searched keywords are on Meta Description, Title and Permalink they get Bolded. Simply speaking If you make proper use of these with targeted keywords you will be getting positive result.
Means if you use only those keywords or phrase which are subjected to your Article contents in all Title, Meta Description and Permalink, then there would be more chance to get higher ranking on search results. But remember don’t repeat a single keyword for more than 3 times neither in Title not in Description. I am not saying that if you use targeted keyword on Title, Description and Permalink then you will be on Top; No, there are several other factors also which plays the role in ranking but if you make use of those but there will be more chance on appearing on Top Results.