Advantages and disadvantages of BlogSpot domain

Advantages and disadvantages of BlogSpot domain
Advantages and disadvantages of BlogSpot domain.

Blogger is one of the most widely used platform for blogging. You can easily create your blog in blogger in few minutes. Anyone who has a Gmail account can login to blogger and create a BlogSpot domain. Once your BlogSpot domain is ready you can start posting your articles. I am using blogger from last 3 years and i have come few of good and bad features of it. I would like to share some pros and cons of using blogger.

Advantages of using blogger

Easy to use

The best part of blogger is user friendly interface. Anyone can understand and use it. The dashboard is very simple and has only features which are required. Also, the themes are simple which loads very fast. One can easily write and edit articles in blogger.

Very fast to access 

Due to its simple design and features, the BlogSpot blog loads very fast. If you have handsome page speed of your blog, it will attract more readers and visitors. Readers don’t like slow website. Time is important for everyone and hence readers love to surf website with good page speed.

No hosting required in blogger

Now, this is best thing I love about blogger. Unlike WordPress, where we have to pay for the third party hosting services like blue host, hostgator etc. in blogger it is not at all needed. You can go with blogspot domain or you can buy a custom domain from godaddy, which is enough to run your blog smoothly.

Disadvantages of blogger

More Manual Work

Unlike WordPress, we don’t have plugins in blogger which carries lot of work. In blogger we have to manually do lot of work. For example, if you want to insert AdSense ads in between blog post, you have to insert HTML code of ads manually, while in WordPress you can use a Quick AdSense plugin to do it. Similarly, even if You want to insert an internal link in blog post, you have insert it manually. So, all these process consume time for bloggers.

Permalink of blog post

This is a very big cons in blogger. The Permalink of blog post in blogger includes the month and year by default. Now, you can’t edit the month and year through custom Permalink. Now how it effects the blog performance. Now, suppose if I want to edit my old blog posts. If I edit them with new updates and want to update with current date, I can’t do that. Google always look for updated content and hence it is important to have blog Permalink updated for Google indexing.

Suppose if you edit and post the old blog post with new updates and new current date, Google will come to know you have updated something new and they will start indexing them. But, the old post with old date will be deleted or converted into broken link. Also, the posts with links to the old post will be affected.  So, your blog Performance will go down, since you have lot of broke links because of just one change in Permalink. This is of the great disadvantage in blogger.

Final word

Blogger is fast and good in cheap price, but if you want advance features I would recommend to go with WordPress for bloggers. Please do share your thoughts in the comment section.


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