Can A Blog Be Rank Well Without Building Any Backlinks

Can A Blog Be Rank Well Without Building Any Backlinks
Can A Blog Be Rank Well Without Building Any Backlinks, how to rank on google without backlink.

No doubt that backlinks are the main and important components of a website or blog. They plays a important role in making the backbone of your website. It helps your blog in taking a good and nice boost in traffic rank as well as PR. You can increase your blog’s PR1 per months with quality backlinks and a effective strategy but it does not mean that it cannot be done without backlinks. The backlinks are helpful as well as they are risky too for your website : They are risky in the way that if you made any mistake in making a backlink or you’ve made any link from the site not related to your niche can ruin your all SEO and rank in seconds.

So according to my experience backlinks are important but these are not important also because the thing which only matters is the quality of your content and the uniqueness of your content, I mean if your article or blog’s other content is much better that the blog which is on the #1 spot in Google, then Google will probably index and put your content on above than that blog. This is my conclusion.. So in this post we are going to discuss that Can A Blog Be Rank Well Without Making Any Backlinks ? And my answer is Yes that a blog can survive without backlinks. Anyhow lets discuss further..

How Backlinks Are Important ?

  • You Can Get Traffic – I mean that you can get traffic without any search query because if your blog is getting a quality backlink nmfrom a high traffic website than visitors will be come to your blog through that link.
  • It Gradually Increase PR – Backlinks are the thing which helps your blog to get higher page rank, and your site can be ranked well.
  • Readers Can Get Benefit – It means that if any blog is linking to your content which is related to that blog but he has not that content. Then his reader will get benefit with out going to search engine and without doing extra typing.

Can A Site Be Ranked Well Without Backlinks ?

I have already mentioned that a blog can be ranked well with out backlinks but it require so many hard work and effort. You can go to both ways if you are a hard worker then you don’t need backlinks but if you want good ranking in very less time then you must have to build quality backlinks but with caution and avoid from spam. Next I am going to discuss that How A Site Can Be Ranked Well Without Backlinks.

#1. Focus On Your Content

  • Write Optimized Content : It means that write a fully SEO optimized article and your content must be valuable and interesting. To write a optimized content you need time and effort, see the current trend for your article and your content, comment on other related articles and share your opinions. With this your content will be given value in no time. If you are going to write a article which already exists on the web then write that article more better and optimized than the existing one this will rank well your site very soon.
  • Put A Compelling And Attracting Title : Your post’s title is the only thing which can compel a visitor to click on it. It means you must need to write a good and different title from others, that is very attracting and valuable. The visitors decide that if they have to click on which link after seeing the title of that link.
  • Internally Link Your Pages And Posts : Internal linking is very useful and important for both i.e Blogger and Reader. Because a reader will get a related and useful content in just a link and the blogger will get traffic. So in this way your blog traffic can be increased and your blog will be ranked well.
  • Make Powerful Social Strategy : For better traffic rank you have to build better and strong audience world wide which follow you and read your articles. To build your audience you can use the social media or social networking sites. This can help bloggers to get nice rank.

#2. Backlinks Are Organic

Backlinks are organic ! They are organic in this way that the only thing matters is your content, I mean if your content is quality and unique which other or everyone cannot write then they will probably link to your content to provide a great content to their users. You can write you unique content by search about other articles exists on the web and after searching write good and unique than all others. In this way Google Must give value to your content.

#3. Backlinks Are Just Single Factor

Making backlinks to your content are just one factor out of many others that are hundreds. You can done all other except building backlinks. Your blog is incomplete with out on-page optimization and this is important than backlinks which are off-page optimization. I am not saying that not ever build any link to your content, I was only trying to clear in the above article that you not need to waste your time on making the backlinks by commenting and by paying. Focus on your content, if your content is high quality you will get organic link that are much better than manual link building. I hope you like this article and left your link building by commenting. Share it with your friends on social media, Don’t be selfish.. 


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