Importance of Targeted Keywords inside Article

importence of targeted keyword.
importence of targeted keyword

Arguably Keywords plays a vital role when you are looking to optimize your article to receive maximum organic traffic from search engines. If you are not targeting your site for right keywords or keywords phrase then you are missing a huge opportunity.  Keyword is not just stand for your sites Homepage though it’s for all pages and has much importance in regard of Search Engine Optimization. Optimizing your site with accurate keywords is a on-page SEO tactic.

Before inserting any keyword in your Article, you should do keyword research and should find appropriate keywords for your niche. There are lots of online tools to do keyword research such as WordTracker, WordStream, and Keyword Discovery etc. but Google Adword Keyword Tools is most effective and trusted cause it shows the data of Global and Local Monthly Searches over Google Search Engine.

Keyword Targeting also becomes necessary if you are using Google Adsense on your site to monetize your site. If you are targeting to High Paid keywords then Ads CPC rate would be more.

Effectiveness of Keywords

Keyword effectiveness is determined by comparing the number of times a keyword or keyword phrase is searched (popularity) and the number of times it appears on competing web pages (competition).

When Targeting Keywords

You should take care of many things while targeting any Keyword inside your article.

  1. Keep Keyword Density always below 7%. If you can maintain the density between 2. 5% to 3.5% you will be got optimized result.
  2. Use your primary keywords in very first paragraph of your article.
  3. Target keyword phrase should be a two- to- four word phrase (maybe even more words) that conveys the article’s core topic.
  4. Don’t use a single keyword in a single paragraph for more than 3 times (if possible).
  5. Always start your Paragraph with targeted keyword.
  6. Place your Primary Keyword inside Heading Tag H1.
  7. Use your Secondary Keywords inside heading Tag H2 and H3.
  8. If your article has images, insert targeted keywords in ALT tags without making it spammy.
  9. Choose long tail: if you are not able to decide which keyword you should use try using long tail keywords. People are becoming increasingly savvy with using search engines at the same time as the amount of information those engines access continues to expand exponentially. (ex- Using Free Theme pros and cons)
  10. Use secondary phrases: Along with primary keyword secondary keywords also plays a major role on SERPs. (Phrases such as “Free WordPress Theme”, “Genesis Theme Installation”, “Genesis Theme Prices” may naturally be in the body text and lend themselves to subheads.)

Always search for low competitive Keywords to target; when you do the same, definitely you will get optimized result. The Keywords with upto 50,000 global search are easy to target. If you site is subjected to local brand or country based then also check the local search volume for those keywords. If you target high competitive Keywords there would be less chance to get listed on top 10 results but targeting low & medium competitive keywords will give better result in comparison of high competitive keywords.

Note: Meta Keywords Tag has no more importance. Many webmasters are using Meta Keywords along with Meta Description but Along with Google most of search engines neither gives any importance to them nor follow them.


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