On Page SEO Strategies That Can Increase Your Traffic

On Page SEO Strategies That Can Increase Your Traffic
What is the best SEO strategy for 2020?,What are the SEO off‑page strategies to rank well in Search engines?.

There are lot of peoples which are running their blog or websites, but many of them still does not know about SEO it simply stands for Search Engine Optimization, it helps your site to show in early pages of SERPs. Ohh leave it first I would like to introduce myself. I am AIYUB KHAN from INDIA. I have a great interest in Blogging, Technology and SEO etc. And I die to write about these topics. Anyhow, lets move back to our actual topic, I was talking about SEO it is a factor on the basis of which Search Engines rank or crawl a site. SEO is divided in to two categories On Page SEO and Off Page SEO. We will talk about On Page SEO.

I think On Page SEO is the most important process for online marketing or for the popularity of  your blog. If you can do it like a pro, then you will probably get success and you site will be shown on the #1 according to your whole ranking. On-Page SEO refers to all the things that you can do ON your website to help you rank higher, such as page titles, internal linking, meta tags & descriptions, etc. And this also includes the quality of your content. Further in this post I will tell you some best and most using on page SEO techniques to get success.

1. Analyze You Blog Like A Search Engine Bot.

Before your blog or site goes live you must analyze your blog completely, I don’t mean to use a bot to crawl your site but you can also do it by going to the page source of your blog. And use Firefox Developer Plugin which is only for this purpose. See you site that if it is complete optimized or not, look carefully for each <meta> tag. You need Some SEO Tips.

2. Meta Tags : Which Every Blogger Needs

Meta are the tags for which search engines look first even before the quality of your content. They use these tags to show the result in SERPs that must be related to that which a user type in search field. Here is a list these tags which you must have to use for better ranking.

<meta content=’Blogging Tips and Tricks, Free widgets for blogs, SEO tips and tricks, How to make money online, Search Engine Optimization’ name=’keywords’/>
<meta content=’Duryab Aziz’ name=’author’/>
<meta content=’blogger’ name=’generator’/>
<meta content=’all’ name=’robots’/>
<meta content=’en’ name=’language’/>
<meta content=’all’ name=’audience’/>
<meta content=’sukhera777@gmail.com’ name=’Email’/>
<meta content=’index, follow’ name=’robots’/>

This is a list of <meta> tags, you can replace all the information quoted in “content=” with yours don’t change the “name=” paste these tags in your template HTML and never forget to click on save after pasting.

3. SEO Friendly URL Structure.

URL structure also play’s a very important role in your site’s on page SEO. In the case of WordPress you can totally change the structure of the URL of any post. But in case of Blogger you can change the text in the URL but they put the year/month before the text of your URL which is not SEO friendly. As a Blogger I like Word Press due to its unlimited and awesome SEO feature. You can control your all setup with the help of Plugins. So the sake of this step is to always keep a SEO friendly URL structure. And I must recommend you to put some searchable keywords in your post’s URL, it can be profitable.

4. Keyword Density and Keyword Prominence.

Keyword density is the quantity of the keyword that you search and use in your article, this quantity must be 3% can be exceeded to 4% but no more. This is a great on page SEO factor on the basis of which a post is ranked. If you will keep your keyword density more than 4% it will be considered as keyword stuffing, Search Engines really hates this. And Keyword prominence means the placement of the keywords in your post, the best placements are post title, meta description, post URL, and the firs paragraph of post. You can place your keyword according to your desire and can get good traffic from search engines. And one another On Page SEO term is keyword proximity.


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