On Page SEO – Keyword Density, Proximity and Prominence.

On Page SEO – Keyword Density, Proximity and Prominence
What is keyword prominence in SEO?, What is the ideal keyword density for SEO?.

This topic is also related to SEO which stands for Search Engine Optimization. Today we will learn how to do on-page SEO of a blog or website. This post will gives you a deep insight about on-page SEO and the three main components of on-page SEO. There are three components of on-page SEO :

  • Keyword Density
  • Keyword Proximity
  • Keyword Prominence

What is the Keyword Density, Prominence and Proximity?

These three terms will tell you very deeply about On-Page optimization  in a website or blog. You have to keep them in mind during posting your content on a blog. So, lets know them what they are..

Keyword Density

The term keyword density means the number of keywords in a post. In simple, the how many numbers of keyword you use in your post is called keyword density. The maximum number of keyword you can use in your post is 3%. It mean if you post a article of 1000 words then the maximum numbers of the keyword you can use in that article is 30. That will be better if you will kept only the 2% keyword density.
i.e You write a article of 1000 words on Fashion and your keyword is “fashion tips” then you can use this keyword only 30 times, that will be the 3% of the 1000 words.

Keyword Proximity

Keyword Proximity means the distance between the two or more than two exact keywords. i.e you write a article with the title ”How to Drive a Good Traffic On a Blog” in this title the keyword is drive traffic on blog but the ”good” and ”a” are the distances between these words is called the Keyword Proximity. If you will use the high keyword proximity it will be best for you and your blog. If you use exact keywords and there is no distance b/w them then this will be 100% proximity. Which is the best option for a blogger. And if there is the distance of one word it will be 80%, this is also a better option. But less than 80% KEyword Proximity is not get a high rate. So, I recommend you 80% or above.

Keyword Prominence

This term stands for the placement of the keywords in a blog post. e.g the keyword in the post title or the key word in post URL or at the beginning of the article. There are many places  where you can show your keyword.

  • In the post URL.
  • In the post title.
  • In the post headings.
  • At the Beginning of the post.

This is very important for a blogger to chose the right places for a Keyword so that the search engines can find them easily and your site got higher rank.

These were the some On page optimization components and tips to use them, I hope this post will be very helpful to you. Don’t forget to share it with your frndz.

And remember me in your prayers.


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