How To Get Traffic To New Blog Easily – Working Method 2024

How To Get Traffic To New Blog Easily
How do I get visitors to my blog?, How can I get more traffic on my blog?.

It’s not difficult to manufacture an online blog, however hard to get traffic to new blog. We can develop our website to almost a million visits every month. As I derived a lot of traffic to my this new blog very easily. There is an art to get traffic to new blog, but you must learn about this. Some new bloggers start blogging blindness and don’t see for their traffic stats on initial stages but after the time they had lost all the opportunity.

Today, I was thinking about blog traffic and got the idea to share the tips with my readers to Get traffic to new blog. I hope you got the point, i.e. today I will share that How To Get Traffic To New Blog Easily. I will share some working methods that I have used my self to drive traffic to my this blog.

How To Get Traffic To New Blog 2020

On the first day I have published a post for newbie WordPress users : WordPress SEO Complete Guide You can read this guide and can optimize your new WP blog easily. Or you want to build quality backlinks : Best SEO Link building Strategy. I hope you’ve read these articles and now ready to get traffic to new blog. I will share some important and effective tips step by step that you can use to drive initial traffic to your blog.

1. Join your community

Go and join your community on social media, you must know that where your audience come and from where you can get them to drive traffic to your blog. This might be very helpful, if you share your new post there, where your readers are maximum. You can use the social media for this purpose, i.e Google +, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Stumbleupon.

2. Initially Write on “How-to” guide.

I think you got my point about this heading, Always write your first 10 posts on “How-to” guide. This helps a lot to drive search traffic to your blog. For example you write on “How to make chicken pie at home” it will get more traffic than “Chicken pie recipe” I will publish your posts like the first method then they will get organic traffic from search engines and will be ranked much better, and also will help to get traffic to new blog.

3. Optimize each post – SEO

SEO is the main factor behind the traffic source of your any blog. If you optimize your posts better then search engine will rank your posts much higher then other sites. You can read my SEO archive here to learn SEO. If you are a WordPress user then you can use any of the best SEO plugins to optimize your posts, other wise you need to take care of all the SEO factors to get traffic to new blog. i.e to rank your each post higher in search engines.

4. Always target long tail keywords

I think you already know about Long tail keywords, if no then first I will clear your that what the long tail keywords actually are? See if you use a keyword in your blog i.e “Far Cry 4″ then this is a short tail keyword and this will always have a high competition and it will hard for you to rank with this keyword.

But if you use the long keyword i.e “Far Cry 4 PC Game” or “Far Cry PC Game Download” then it will easier for you to rank well in search engines. Because you will target this keyword in your post and when ever any one will search on SE about this keyword then your Blog’s SEO operate and your post will be in better position.

5. Make the top and better lists

After the initial posting in “How To” guide then I will suggest you to make top lists and better then existing on search engines. i.e. you write on topic like this : 55 Best Blogger Templates. This work better in driving the much traffic to blog, If there will be a list of templates on the Google page and your post will have larger quantity then searcher will probably click on your link rather then other blogs.

6. Publish the interviews and reviews

This is another great trick to get traffic to new blog, by publishing the interview of other blogger on your blog you can get traffic from their social media accounts and their community will also get on your blog to read your stuff. See if your interview me and publish it on your blog in a post the I will probably share your that post on my social media and ask peoples to read that post. In this way you can also interview your colleagues and ask them to share this on their social accounts.

Take review of other blogs or products, like the previous tricks you can write a review for other blogs or some’s products, in return he will share your that post on his social site and you will get more traffic.

7. Guest posts on relevant blogs

You can drive traffic to your blog by guest posting on other relevant blogs to your niche, see if a blogger has daily 5,000 readers and related to your niche. Then it will be sure that those readers will read all the latest post on that blog. If you will write a interesting post on that blog and your post got thousands of reads and your post is very interesting then those readers will also interested in author and its blog. Then it will com on you and your blog.

In this way you can drive traffic to  your new blog by guest blogging. And this also improves your site’s SEO by back linking.

8. Thoughtful comments on relevant blogs

Leave the thoughtful and heart touching comments on other popular blogs with your link, in this way they other commentators will also get interested in your comments and your blog also and your target will be complete i.e to get traffic to new blog.

By using the above tips you can get a huge traffic to your newly born blog that is now on the stage of growing, there are other 100s of posts about traffic increasing on your new blog. But I thing here I’ve describe all the important facts and those facts that matter in blog traffic.

If you find any problem in any case of blogging then you can contact me or ask me a question directly in inbox.

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