Google Search Ranking Algorithm changes may affect your Blog ranking

google search algorithms.

You might be having heard that Google just did a very big algorithm change for its search engine ranking recently. This has caused a big upset for many people, some of whom have lost their entire businesses as a result. Some of people already got affected while some other has to affect. I don’t want this to happen to you, so I am basically going to PAY YOUR WAY to learn how to generate quality traffic today.  Yes, you heard that right. But first, it is important to know that you are going about your traffic generation the right way.

There are many techniques to generate quality traffic for your blog/website but choosing the correct for your need is quite difficult. As we know there are two absolute essentials for a successful website/blog; are,

  1. You need a great site with a great offer that converts prospects into customers.
  2. You need to send hoards of traffic to that website/blog.

most effective and cheapest way is to get top rankings in all the search engines for hundreds, if not thousands, of keywords related to your site. But you have to do this in a way that is going to keep Google and Bing happy. Because Google and Bing both are now market leaders, and if you really want to get some decent amount of traffic then you need to make happy to both especially to Google, because Google is still the leading search engine with more than 62% searches [globally].

Making Happy to Google is not an easy task; because they always change their algorithm to keep maintain the quality of search results. But as an internet marketer/blogger/webmaster, you already know that the easiest way to get a lot of FREE Traffic to your site is to get top rankings in all the search engines. For example, how would you do like to show up in the top 5 for ‘blogging tips’ alongside the blogger society?  What about showing up #1#2, or #3 for hundreds of other long-tail stop smoking keywords?  Do you think this could be a profitable niche to be in?  You’re right, it is – unbelievably profitable!

You also have to remember that every successful website or blog have a very huge number of satisfied visitors. Infect I am trying to attract your attention toward the visitor satisfaction. If a visitor make search for a keyword and reach to your site and they found accurate contents for their searched query at your site, satisfaction; than their mentality toward your site will be positive and next time when they make search with any query and if they would see your site in the listings then they will surely visit your site because they know already that your site has quality articles.

As Google has not declared the algorithm changes yet but they will do soon, so be prepared for any upcoming crises because I believe you would not like to lose your entire traffic just because of algorithm change. Also always keep updated your site with the fresh contents, because that will satisfy to both man and machine.


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